Wednesday 20 January 2010

Running on the spot...

How is it possible to get up so early, sit down for one cup of tea, be on the go for 14 hours and yet still not actually accomplish enough to merit a red line on a list?
My littlest treasure woke me up at 6.30am and from that point on I was preparing meals, getting the littlest dressed and fed, putting loads into the washing machine, then the tumble dryer, washing up and wiping down, sweeping and vacuuming. Surveying the teetering pile of ironing then averting my gaze and doing a Scarlett. Just the usual that we all have to do. So much and yet so little. Running on the spot
My current JGOWIT is that door. So ugly and so sad that I could leave it no longer and started on it today. So far all I have managed to do is sand it down and remove the door furniture and there was me blithely assuming that I could just give it a quick wash down with some sugar soap and get busy with the paint brush and it would be dry and shiny bright by the time Mr H got back from work. Feel free to mock, it is taking forever, both from sheer ineptitude on my part and interruptions from the youngest member of the family. Perhaps DIY and babies really don't mix...if it hadn't been for CBeebies I don't know what I would have done...
As a basically lazy person I am having to give myself constant peptalks along the lines of 'if a job is worth doing, it's worth doing well' and stuff about having pride in the smallest of tasks, I find it so much easier when I am saying it to MrH! Ah well, onward and upward, if I set my completion date to the end of January, I might just make it...

Monday 18 January 2010

Know your enemy

I have spent a fair bit of time over the last few days thinking about what to write about in this blog. One of the things I realised was that in order to make the changes I want to make I have to Know My Enemy. This would seem to involve really looking at my surroundings to identify the changes I need to make and perhaps more importantly peering nervously into my motivations or lack thereof and giving them a prod towards the positive.
I will henceforth be identifying my issues as JGOWIT a.k.a. just get on with its - I will save the acronym JFGOWIT for those really irritating issues. You may make your own decisions about what the F stands for. I have decided that I will save all my favourite swear words for really important occasions. I use them entirely too much in my everday life and with a toddler who is just starting to talk a little less effing and blinding would not go amiss.
So, today's JGOWIT was to clean the smeary remnants of that vile fake christmas snow from the windows. Hoorah, I managed it! Then, while I had cloth and spray in hand I migrated into the hall to tackle the glass panels of the inner front door. The only drawback is that I got to really examine how ugly this door is. And this is what confronts guests to my house when I invite them in! It's a wonder more don't leg it...I shall try to post a picture just to share the beauty of it all...

Sunday 17 January 2010

The plot thickens...

A little bit about me... I am 38, a stay-at-home mum with a 12 year old son from my first marriage and a 16 month old son with husband number 2. I live on the outskirts of a quaintly historic town on the south-east coast of England in a much abused 1930's chalet bungalow. I have started this blog to document my journey towards a life where I truly embrace my time and really savour each day.

Perhaps it is that the big 40 is just around the corner but I don't want to wake up in 30 years time and regret the things that I did not do and the time I wasted on negativity and procrastination.

Here is a picture of me looking disgustingly chirpy...enjoy.

Saturday 16 January 2010

Starting what needs to be done..

I have never got the hang of housework, no natural talent for it. Unlike some, I lack the ability to just clean up as I go, straighten that cushion, sweep up the dust lurking in that corner, wash up without even thinking about it etc. Unfortunately my mind tends to chime in with a litany of reasons why this is such a massive imposition on my life, what a drag, a bore, a millstone around my neck. After a great deal of analysis I have come to the conclusion that it is the ongoing repetition aspect of the whole thing that confounds me. Grinding on and on, same thing every day, blah blah bleuuggh!
So now I am trying a different approach, I am just going to do it ... and not just the basic necessities like housework and cooking for my family, but the things that I have always distanced myself from with 'I could do that...' or 'I really should do that...' or 'when I get the time I will...'. I do believe that the time is now and that it really is time for me to just get on with it!
Wish me luck...