Sunday 6 March 2011

The Big 4 0

I was 39 in October last save time I thought I'd start stressing about turning 40 early and so set myself a list of things to do and learn and finish.

Foremost on the list was to loose a considerable amount of weight...Unfortunately I have only been even approaching slim a couple of times in my adult life. The most recent was about 6 years ago, after I discovered the rather exotic and very busy double life my then husband was leading and we parted company. My body's response to this was to stop feeling any hunger at all, I lost any and all interest in food and subsisted on hot, sweet tea and roll-ups... mmm healthy. This went on for 3 months and I lost a stone every month without even thinking about it, nothing like a bit of emotional anguish to kick-start your weight-loss plan. Can't say I'd recommend it.

So that was sort of all well and good, every so often I'd get the big bags of clothes that I'd always kept for 'when I lost weight' and I'd be able to fit into some more, good ego boost etc. Unfortunately 2 bouts of what I thought was extreme food poisoning and a trip to the Dr later I found out that I had gallstones...ouch. This continued the weight loss - after all extreme pain after eating anything fatty is quite a good incentive to avoid fat at all costs.

Life then started to look up, I re-met the man who is now my husband, had surgery to remove the stones and got happy...A few years after that and I had my second son so happiness plus pregnancy over-indulgence and all the weight lost returned, bringing reinforcements... Arsington!

Thing is, I really do not want to spend any more time thinking about being fat, I want to be happy in my skin, I want to have a massive party for my birthday and feel that I have succeeded at this one fundamental thing that has over shadowed so much of my life.

I am determined to make my body healthy...27th October 2011 - Bring It On!!!

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